Monday, April 13, 2015

Enhancing your Marketing Relationship

By Rose Noesen
Relationship marketing is a strategy with a set of principles to create a loyalty, engagement, trust, and relationships with customers, clients and prospective clients.  
Relationships are driven by 3 principles:

  • Relationship first (80% of the time) Marketing (20% of the time.)
  • Create your own personal brand which includes friendship, celebrations and service to show the person you are
  • You need to become an expert at bridging your personal touch and high technology.

There are 3 areas in relationships.  They are: self, personal and business.  Attention needs to be paid to each area.

Your relationship with your self is very important because this is who you are, what you goals and why you want them.  It is to understand and grow yourself so you can develop your brand and share it with others.

Some way to enhance and grow yourself:
  • Nourish yourself with positivism everyday
  • Read positive books
  • Listen to positive cd’s and dvd’s
  • Never go to bed after watching the NEWS or watching something violent
  • Go to bed after reading or listening to something positive
  • Keep a personal journal and write in it.  This will give you a better picture of what you are feeling and list positive things because writing them reinforce them.
  • Set specific goals, write you I AM statements and make sure you know your WHY.  You need to review all of this periodically because they may need to be updated.

You are growing and learning more about yourself so that you can share who you are.
Personal relationships are how you relate to other people on a personal basis.  This includes:  friends, family, people you know and meet. 

Some ways to enhance your personal relationship:
  • Always smile at other, everywhere you go
  • Say hello to people and express positive greets such as have a great day
  • Let people in traffic, open doors, let someone in front of you in line or buy the person behind you coffee or pay it forward
  • Always be pleasant to everyone, we never know who you might be talking too
  • Say please and thank you
  • LISTEN more than you speak
  • Be nice to all people
  • Celebrate people with words, gifts and pictures
  • Share compliments and appreciation
  • Share gratitude daily and you may want to do a 30 Gratitude Challenge this is where for 30 days you tell a different person each day that you are grateful for them and why.

Business relationships are what you have with all customers, clients, prospective clients and others you want to do business with.  This can include businesses of which you are a customer.
Some ways to enhance your business relationship:
  • Make a list of everyone you know and put them in some type of contact manager so you can easily access s
  • You should have 3 categories in your contact manager.  The 3 categories 1) contacts 2) Prospects and 3) customers
  • Add people to your contact manager on a regular basis and move the customers through the categories
  • Take detail notes on all your contacts, prospects and customers
  • When interacting with your contacts, prospects and customers focus on the Relationship 80% of the time and focus on Marketing 20% of the time.
  • Build your brand with friendship, celebration and service
  • Use all four methods of communication to reach out to the contacts, prospects and customers in your contact manager.  The four ways of communication are, text, phone call, greeting cards and electronic communications.

It is very important to build genuine relationship.  Kody Bateman, the founder of Send Out Cards says that your marketing relationship are the foundation of a great business.  Send Out Cards has a great contact manager.  If you would like additional information on Send Out Cards, please contact me at 701-799-0414 or  Hope this was helpful in developing your relationships. Visit Expressions By Rose

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