Friday, April 17, 2015

Opening The Door To Lasting Weight Loss

From William Bockhorn - Health Coach

My Before and After 
Bad habits are not broken; they are simply replaced with good ones! You do this by increasing your awareness and practicing new, healthier behaviors every day. What you eat and how much you eat is critical to your health. Eating more calories than you use leads to weight gain; high-glycemic foods overwork your pancreas; and foods that stimulate inflammation such as saturated fats create chaos throughout your body. On the other hand, eating lots of fruits and vegetables turns off fat storage, satisfies hunger, stabilizes blood sugar, lowers insulin, and quells inflammatory fires.

Together, you and I will help you take ownership of your own well-being by…

1. Seeing the most basic choices that support Optimal Health and making them part of your daily routine
2. Becoming aware of your daily choices that do not support health—without using negative self-talk or blame
3. Breaking the habit of nutritional pollution by giving your body and brain a break, using Medifast Meals 
4. Thinking long term and making choices now that support your health for the time ahead
5. Creating a micro-environment of health to shield you from the temptations of our nutritionally polluted world

I can show you a way of eating, learning, and living that puts you on the path toward Optimal Health. Here’s what you can expect from me, in a nutshell:

1. I’ll provide you with one-on-one coaching.
2. I’ll show you the products, programs, and support to help you work toward your health goals, and teach you healthy habits for life. . 
3. I've been properly trained to support you and I’m backed by a strong, well-financed company.

Take a walk with me, and I can show you how Take Shape For Life succeeds where other weight-loss programs fail. Here is a success story from Margaret 

Margaret’s Story – “I started dieting after gaining 72 pounds with my first child. For the next 30 years I think I tried every diet out there. Losing weight was never the problem, keeping it off was. However, something drastic happened when I turned 50. No matter what I did I couldn't lose weight. This went on for an entire year. I was so frustrated and angry and about to give up when I heard about this program through a doctor who had lost over 100 pounds himself. When I got started on it I couldn't believe how easy this program was to do and with the help of my health coach 35 pounds just melted off my body. The best part, I finally learned the healthy habits necessary to maintain my weight..

Take charge of your life and learn how you can be as healthy as you want for as long as you desire.  
I would love to assist you or anyone you love .. 
Be all you can Be !!!

William Bockhorn 

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